About Me

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My name is Nurul Fadhilah binti Mohamad Rif'at.. Called me Dhila. This blog is such a diary online for me.. Everything I feel, Anything I experienced, Something I adore and etc will be written on it.. And I'll try to share some topics.. ^^ Luv to make new friends.. Always wanna try something new and give a motivate to herself..

My Beloved Brothers

Photobucket JYJ The Beginning...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kami bertiga ke Pulau Marina *lagi*

Aku rse nak post kan gmbr2 aku, kakak aku dan adik aku pegi Pulau Marina semalam... Tapi nak post dlu gmbr aku gi Pulau Marina dgn kawan2 aku 2 mggu lepas.....~~ huhuhu tp gmbr tu aku blom amik lagi dr Tkah.... kekekek

Tape lah!! Aku post je la yg ade ni...
Trip aku dgn kawan2 tu aku post kan kemudian... (gmbr2 nye sgt cantekkk!!)

So these are the pics were taken.....

There are so many pics... but these are all I can upload... da cukup pon kan??
Mse dtg kt Pulau ni, igt kan nak gi amik gambar kt 'jeti mini' dkat dgn parking lot tu... tp de plak Couple tgh snap2 kt ctu... maleh kacau...
Pastu igt nak gi snap2 kt Jambatan kayu panjang tu... Tapi lagi!
De bride and groom tgh bposing2 ala-ala Titanic kt sne... hahahaha....
Ye le.. Pulau Marina tu blom officially open pon... hahaha... klau tak, siap ah kne bayar tol masok... kan?!
so round2, snap gmbar lompat Ana dgn Ein... Round2 lagi... snap2 lagi...
*opkos aku la photograher ta btauliah itu... ~.~"*
Eh? Da pkol 6.30 ptg?!
Cpt giler... So kne la balik...~

Mata ne!! ^^

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Heart!!

I don't know if I should post this or not.........
But now, I'm totally lost... Lost in deciding my own way of LIFE.......
What? I'm insane?
Yes! I'm DEFINITELY insane... Quiet insane version!!
Nobody knows... Nobody cares!!
And Nobody should know about it!!

I don't want my family know about it.....
I don't have guts to let them know it
So? What should I do then???!!
Scream like a mad?!
Protest like I have the rights?!

Someone please.... take me to anywhere.... I wanna let this f***ing tears out~

Korang tau, bile peluang da ade.... Ttbe je mcm ta jd...
Pastu bile pluang da tlepas, diorg salahkan aku!!
Aku mcm orang BODOH ikot sume kate2 diorg...
Aku mcm orang BODOH yang memperBODOHkan diri sendiri smate2 nak ikot kate diorg!!
This year is 'I Hate Myself' year... ha.ha.ha.
Blog ni best tau tak?
Sbb dua org je yang akan slalu dtg bace...
Adik aku dan Mimie...
So.. Dua orang ni yang akan tau what happened to me...
Itu pon klau diorg bce la...
I'm not expecting too much anyway~

:: Myself all alone living with people who are claim they'll help me but.. TET! they're NOT! ::